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In this page you will find the next releases, the closed periods for holydays, etc

May 29th, 2022: Hello, We know we gave you little to no updates in these last months, and we deeply apologize for that. Be reassured, the shop will re-open soon, we were struggling with some logistical and personal life problems, that are now for the most part solved.
Today has been a year since our uncle Giuseppe’s passing. The memory of him, his voice, his manners, his many projects and joy to live every day… is still very much alive. It does not seem a year at all. During this time many things in the existence of us, and everyone, have changed, and there it is, the memory cristallized in time. Thinking that we cannot any more drive some hours away from Milan to see him, that there will not be again huge wargaming battles at his house like every summer, that we cannot commentate with him the last news of the hobby, or ask him about painting tips… It is really surreal. I wonder also what he would say of the many horrendous international events that happened recently.
We do not know if he would have wished his work to be carried on, and maybe he would not be proud of us if he saw the many problems we faced at the start, and in this last months.
However, this is what that we can do to keep him alive with us in our memory, and we will continue to try doing that. We apologize to all of you again, and thank you for your patience. We would also like to express our deepest thanks for all the beautiful and moving messages of condolences we received, we are sorry for those whom we didn’t answered but please, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Our prayers go as well to all those who are suffering in war right now, in Ukraine and other places of the globe. As our uncle did for all of his life, we will donate to Amnesty International part of the proceeds from the website sales.
We thank you again, and wish you a peaceful Sunday.

Gualtiero, Eugenio, Costanza

Bed in summer

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see
The birds stili hopping on the trae,
Or hear the grown-up people's test
Stili going past me in the street.

And does it not seem .hard to you,
When ali the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?

(L. Stevenson)

April 3rd, 2022: Dear Legio Heroica's friends, we thank you for the support and appreciation we continue to receive. We want to update you on the situation of the business: in these first months of 2022, many orders arrived, despite the uncertainty of the period in which we are living. We managed to fulfill a lot of orders, but at the moment we are awaiting an important delivery from our supplier to be able to complete the various orders in the queue. Our supplier has also warned us about the raw metal shortage along with its relevant price increase compared to just a year ago, so unfortunately we will have to evaluate whether to raise our prices within next summer. Thanks again, see you soon!

February 20th, 2022:
Good morning everyone! We inform you that at the moment we are restocking all the codes that are running out or already out of stock. As we proceed, we will also update the relative pages of the website. This process was one of the obstacles to overcome that worried us most, having never received explanations from our Uncle about it. However, thanks also to the support and availability of our supplier, we were able to produce the missing miniatures without problems.

January 9th, 2022: Good morning and happy New Year dear friends of Legio Heroica! Here we are to make a small summary of the first months after the passing of our uncle Giuseppe. First of all we were able to complete the warehouse move, it was a fairly delicate process as you can imagine, each range transported had to find its place in the new warehouse, together with the relative accessories. Now everything is located within a short distance from our home, therefore fulfilling new orders will be faster. The orders have continued to arrive non-stop and for this we are really grateful to you all. However, we perceived from your messages the fear that the ranges that go out of stock may not be replenished any time soon: we want to reassure you, in these days we are doing the inventory of the warehouse in order to proceed to refill the finished codes. Anyway, the difficulties of these six months weren't enough, in fact Costanza tested positive at Covid last week, forcing us all to the quarantine period. Fortunately, she currently has no symptoms and we are all fine. We make again our best wishes to all of you. Be well and safe, Costanza, Eugenio, Gualtiero.

October 13th, 2021:
Goodmorning everyone! We deeply apologize for the long silence and the absence of news related to the site: we think it is right to leave a message -even if in delay- to update you on the current state of the business.
Unfortunately, due to the work and school commitments of each of us, being able to guarantee the service results extremely complicated and difficult. Following a series of bureaucratic problems also inherent to personal belongings of Giuseppe our uncle, we stopped because it is a real and full time job, and we realize that we are unable to sustain the pace and professionalism with which he has always managed this site, which was his whole world and to which he entirely dedicated his life.
That said, we are trying to rearrange the work and we apologize in advance for the long wait. We are attempting a reopening, however timid, we ask you for a lot of patience.
We thank you so much for your support and understanding. Soon
From Eugenio, Gualtiero and Costanza.

JULY 12th, 2021:
Good morning everyone!
We would like to update you on the situation of Legio Heroica: at the moment we are still continuing with the transfer of the warehouse to a place closer to our home, unfortunately it is a mandatory step to allow us to continue our uncle's business. We are also consolidating and inventorying all the parts available for sale, so that we can proceed to restock the out-of-stock codes. These tasks are taking longer than expected and until they are completed, we are not able to fulfill orders (which are a lot in this period, but we thank you for that!) in an acceptable time frame. We have therefore decided to suspend sales until September 15th, in order to allow us to ship the orders already arrived and to complete the new warehouse. We apologize to all of you for the inconvenience and we look forward to hearing from you in September!

JUNE 29th
, 2021: Hello everybody, first of all we would like to thank each and everyone of you for your words of support and affection.
The memories you shared helped us to relieve our loss and to feel less alone.
Unfortunately, we're facing some difficulties (or "tribulation" as our uncle would say) carrying on the business. At the moment we're managing to move the entire warehouse from Brescia to our place.
In this way, we'll be able to complete much faster the orders. Till that moment, we kindly ask for your patience once again.
For your information, please note that the following codes are out of stock or almost are, but we will supply them within the end of summer:

Today this webpage has to bring you sad news. Giuseppe, the owner and creator of LH, passed away on Saturday, May 29th.
His nephews are writing this post: Eugenio, Gualtiero and Costanza.
During the past year, since the news of his disease, our beloved uncle has always continued to work passionately, despite the increasing effort it took him, keeping it secret outside of the family.
Until his last posts, you could notice the great hope to recover and start over in full swing his activity, with a lot of new projects, as usual.
This terrible occurrence caught us too by surprise, even if we were aware of the actual situation: our uncle has gone in a beating of wings, with the dignity of an emperor.
Brushes still dirty, color jars left open, everything in his lab is saying that he’s going to come back in a few minutes.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the affection you showed him throughout the course of his disease, we’re sure it has been of great help and encouragement.

My bed is like a little boat;
       Nurse helps me in when I embark;
She girds me in my sailor's coat
       And starts me in the dark.

At night I go on board and say
       Good-night to all my friends on shore;
I shut my eyes and sail away
       And see and hear no more.

And sometimes things to bed I take,
       As prudent sailors have to do;
Perhaps a slice of wedding-cake,
       Perhaps a toy or two.

All night across the dark we steer;
       But when the day returns at last,
Safe in my room beside the pier,
       I find my vessel fast.

My bed is a boat, Robert Louis Stevenson

Giuseppe Barbazeni

P.S. We apologize to all the users, customers and  friends that in the last weeks didn’t get any answer to their emails, in the next few days we’ll reply to each and everyone of you.

MAY 16th, 2021: Here I am, after a long period of silence, to update you on the situation here at LH. From the series of comprehensive tests recently carried out (which I've to perform every 4 months approximately) it appears that the lung cancer has stopped and in several places have even withdrawn. This means that the teraphy started in January works well and so we continue with this one. Unfortunately, these drugs are very "heavy" and have a number of side effects the most obvious of which are chronic fatigue and "shortness of breath" which can sometimes lead to further health problems (as has happened in these last days...) which need toresolved from time to time. So, online sales continue, but you have to continue to be patient if I'm not as fast as in the "old days" because I can still guarantee my     presence on the computer for only 4/6 hours a day. I must also announce that sales will be suspended from 3rd to 21st of June because unfortunately my wife has to leave urgently to go to Ukraine for serious family reasons, and without my "right arms" I can't follow the preparation and packaging of the packages. Finally, last but not least, some people have expressed their intension to come and met me, despite my conditions, during their next summer holidays in Italy. Please, kindly don't do it because I remain in the condition of not being able to receive visitors (and then, however, I can write, but not speak english...): thank'you for your understanding. I thank everyone again for the good wishes and message of support I always receive, and I apologize if I often don't respond as I'd like.                                          

MARCH 11, 2021: With today my rest period ends: it has done me a lot of good, and I'm therefore ready to return to my job even if still with a reduced working time. In these days I managed some sculptures that did remain incomplete in the previous months, so I'll take them to my mouldmaker as soon as possible, hoping that he won't cause disasters (how already happened...). Last but not least, I want to thank once again all those who have sent me messages of support and good wishes in these last days: I always appreciate them very much, and they help me to face this "difficult" period of my life.  

FEBRUARY 25th:, 2021 yesterday I had my scheduled monthly check-up at the hospital. The doctors say that the therapy is working and everything's going well but, unfortunately, they found me quite tired and therefore they prescribed me a period of rest. Unfortunately these kind of therapies are very heavy to bear, and have many collateral effects including chronic fatigue and shortness of breath. So in these conditions even to collect the orders become a difficult task because this operation is a continuos getting up and sitting down to go from the workbench to the shelves where are the boxes containing the various codes. So from 1st till 10th of March I've to suspend the sales and take a period of rest. However in this "rest period" I'll search to finish the sculpturing of the various figures remained incomplete due to the difficulties and the hard moments of my illness of the last months. I thank everyone for the moral and material support. See you soon...         
(P.S.: By the way, some new items added in the "SECOND HAND FIGURES" page)                                                                                                                

JANUARY 25th, 2021: The situation of deliveries to UK after Brexit is becoming tragic. Unfortunately the new European rules from this year no longer allow you to send packages weighing up to 2 Kgs. outside UE without a customs declaration, and this means that even if you have to send just 1 single figure, you have to spend at home about 20/30 minutes to prepare the documentation, then queue at the post office, and spend another 20/20 minutes because the employee has to transcribe   everything on the computer and then prepare the effective travel documentation. So I hope you'll understandand that if I should go to the post office with even just   2/3 packets to send (and are even few for my standard..), the other people in queue after me would kill me and therefore it's no longer possible for me to send packages by ordinary/standard mail (not to say then that with Covid and my illness, to spend all this time at the post office is for me unthinkable). As for the couriers instead, some have suspended the service with UK because the english customs is unable to clear quickly the waiting goods and therefore their warehouse are already full of goods waiting to pass. Some other couriers are instead taking advantage of this situation to increase their prices for shipments to UK (from 3,00 to even 12,00 euro...). This said, I can only suggest to my english fellow wargamers to send me their orders only when they'll see that the amount of the material justifies the cost of shipment. Many thanks for reading...                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
JANUARY 10th, 2021:  Hello everyone!! After a long period of silence here I'm again with an update. These last weeks have been very difficult for my health: due to a series of mistakes made by the doctors at the hospital that followed me till the begin of november, and which caused many unnecessary problems to my health, I preferred to change hospital and in the end I had to be hospitalized twice, a week in middle december and another last sunday with my final return back home yesterday in the afternoon. Now I'm quite tired and tried, but I feel on the right track again and therefore from now on it's only a question of continuing on the path of the teraphy prescribed my new team of doctors. So I apologize if I won't be as quick as "my usual" in answering back to the messages/orders you'll send me. Then the new year starts with other news from a commercial point of view, because UK is no longer part of EU and this will see a change in the shipment                procedure, and also for all the other non EU countries will be no longer possible to receive parcels without the customs declaration (as it was until last year). Thus, I've to ask you for a little patience because I need to check very well these new procedures, and therefore for the next week all non EU sales will be suspended. I thanks very much once again all those who sent me their wishes in the last weeks, and I apologize again if in many cases I've been unable to answer.                        
So, Happy New Year to all of you, and let's get back to work............................................................................

DECEMBER 5th, 2020: Despite the help of my wife and of a close friend of mine, my current state of health is making difficult for me to collect the unexpected number of orders that I'm receiving. Therefore, I'm forced to anticipate the end of the Christmas sale to December 10th. From December 11th the online shop will be closed until the end of the Christmas period (January 7th), so that I can have a long period of rest to recover my strength, and also allows to my mouldmaker to restock my store. I thank'you very much for your understanding, and also for the wishes for both Christmas and a speedy recovery.    

NOVEMBER 19th, 2020: "THE CHRISTMAS SALE": from november 20th till december 13th I offer the following discounts on the standard/basic bags: 10% on orders larger than 45,00 euro, 15% on orders larger than 75,00 euro, 20% on orders larger than 120,00 euro. All prices are to be intended P&P excluded. The offer is valid for all of the ranges but it's not applicable on FOG, Regimental and Basic Impetus bags (on these ones remain applicable the ordinary discounts for quantity as quoted on the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" page. As for my illness, in the last month I have had a very difficult and complicated period, but now everything seems to be going well again so I always look forward with confidence. I always thank'you all for your support and your wishes: Merry Christmas to all of you, and let's hope that the new year sees the end of this damned Covid.            

NOVEMBER 9th, 2020: Hello everyone. Here I am after a period of silence for an update on my conditions. The situation is not very good, both as regards my  illness and the Covid's increase, which is why Lombardy, my region, is again in lockdown. As for my illness, it's a difficult period: I'm waiting for answers from the hospital on which I'll decide about my usual Christmas sale. So please, have a little patience yet, and I apologize in advance if I won't be ready as my habit in replying to             messages. As regards the covid situation, non UE shipments will be made just once a week on thursday.Thanks to everyone and see you soon.      

OCTOBER 25th, 2020: Due to the COVID increase in Italy too, and considering the disease that already afflicts me, to avoid contact with other people I'm forced to suspend all the extra UE shipments via the post office at least until 9th of november: I'm sorry for the mishap. Shipments by courier to Europe continue normally.

MAY 14th, 2020: After the lockdown due to the COVID-19, today I've finally recovered from my mouldmaker the figures of my new range "The Landsknechts" that were ready since the middle of March, so this range is now officially available and on sale. By the way, I want to thank once again all those who in these last days    did send me wishes and messages of prompt healing : my recovering goes on day after day, and I hope to be able to return to full activity soon......                            

APRIL 1st, 2020: The italian government has postponed the quarantine till the 12th of April, and the hope is that after this day the activities will
slowly restart. In the meantime in the last two weeks the covid has start spreading in many other countries, so even if I'll be able to start selling again, will remains a possibility that these countries will keep their border closed. Therefore, for the time being I can only send my best wishes to all my supporters/friends from all over the world who are struggling with the covid, and expecially to those of the most affected countries ( USA, Spain, UK, France, Germany): Italy's paid a tribute in human lives greater than expected, but is now going over the top, so hold on, stay indoors, don't give up, and soon you'll make it too!!!        

MARCH 21st, 2020: My dear fellow wargamers, here I am with an update about the situation I'm living with Covid-19. I'm well, but my town, Brescia, is in the very "hot spot" zone, everything is stopped and we must stay indoors, so for the time being I'm forced to stop selling. The government has set the 3rd of april as reference day to evaluate the going on of the situation, so I hope to be able to restart the sales after that day. For the time being I thank very much all those who are writing me to express their solidarity/support, and in my turn, I express my best wishes to all those who live in a country where   Covid is doing its damege: LET'S HOLD ON!!!!                                                                                                                                                                  
February 2nd, 2020: "LOWERED PRICES" sale - From the 5th till the 23rd of February the cost of the 15mm Infantry and Cavalry standard bags is lowered by 15%. The new prices will be as follows: Infantry bags (command included): 3,30 euro/2,80 Pounds - Unbarded cavalry bags (command included): 3,75 euro/3,18 Pounds -    Barded Cavalry (command included): 3,90 euro/3,30 Pounds. All the other prices not quoted here (Genarals, Artillery, Special sets) remain unchanged. In the course of this offer the discounts for quantity on the standard bags are suspended till 220.00 euro (in this case I'll calculate 20% discount on the official/pre-offer prices), but remain valid for FOG/Regimental and Basic Impetus bags). In the course of the sale the minimum order goes to 25,00 euro.

January 29th, 2020: I've almost finished to sculpt the last landsknecht figures so I think for this new range to be on sale by middle March. After this, I'll pass to the Franks for the "Rome: friend and/or enemies" range.          

November 14th, 2019: A new range is now available and on sale: The Orcs!!! The Christmas Sale is applicable on this range too: this is my Christmas gift to all those who have supported me in this last year and... to those who'll do it in the future!!!          

NOVEMBER 13th, 2019: THE CHRISTMAS SALE: from November 16th till December 18th I offer the following discounts on the basic bags: 10% on orders larger than 42,00 euro/36,00 pounds, 15% on orders larger than 75,00 euro/64,50 pounds, 20% on orders larger than 115,00 euro/99,00 pounds, and 25% on those larger than 260,00 euro/223,00 Pounds. All prices are to be intended P&P excluded. The offer is valid for all of the ranges, but it's not applicable on FOG, Regimental, and Basic Impetus bags (on these ones remain applicable the ordinary discounts for quantity as quoted on the "Terms and Conditions" page. British supporters, please    take note that the prices in pounds have been up-dated and will remain the same till the end of the sale.                                                                                        
I thank'you all for your support and.... Merry Christmas!!!                                                                                                                                                                                           
October 16th, 2019: On the gallery page you can see a preview of the figures actually on the workbench.......  

SEPTEMBER 15th, 2019: In the last weeks the british pounds is undergoing several fluctuations, so in order to help my english followers & friends, I decided to try to set a price in pounds and to accept paypal payments in this currency starting from september 16th. You can find the various prices directly on the "PRICES" page of this site. The prices shown will remain fixed for a trial period of two months.                                                                                                                             

MARCH 14th, 2019: "THE SPRING SALE": from March 19th till April 20 the following discounted rates will be applied on orders of basic bags: 15% on orders larger  than 45,00 euro (P&P excluded) and 20% on those larger than 110,00 euro (P&P excluded). The discounts are valid for all of the ranges, but is not applicable on  FOG, Regimental and basic Impetus bags (on these are still applicable the actual discounts for quantity as quoted on the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" page.                      

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©2019 Legio Heroica of Giuseppe Barbazeni. All rights reserved.