Imagine |
CODE | Description |
Euro |
 | GWWAR40.2 | GAMES WORKSHOP - Box of plastic Imperial Guards still on sprue | 17,00 |
 | GWMUM | GAMES WORKSHOP - LORD OF THE RING . 2 MUMAKIL STILL on sprue. 2 of the boxes are still closed with cellophane. | 60,00 |
 | Mi.Mu | Rules for Ancient/Medieval period. Book in perfect conditions - | 12,00 |
 | In T.G.M. | Napoleonic wargames Rules + Book Companion - 1809 - In perfect conditions and sold only togheter | 27,00 |
 | To T.S. | Rules for Ancient/Medieval period - Perfect conditions | 18,00 |
 | GB05 | GRIPPING BEAST: GREAT VICKING ARMY - 78 figures complete with weapons and shields. As for image
| 82,00 |
 | GB06 | GRIPPING BEAST: Dark Age Irish Army - 53 figures including Brian Boru scene and complete with weapond and shields. As for image | 63,00 |
 | NLD20 | NEW
LINE DESIGN - 20 mm Zulu WAR British Army: 4 foot officers, 4
sergeants, 48 infantrymen in various poses, 4 dead infantrymen, 2 9 pdr
guns with 8 servants, 16 NNC warriors, 9 mounted cavalrymen
(volunteers/Kaffirs), 20 dismounted cavalrymen, 3 horseholders with 12
horses (just some samples in the picture) | 50,00 |
| NLD20/2 | NEW
LINE DESIGN - 20 mm Zulu WAR zulu army: 51 figures in various poses and
dress (campaign/full regalia) and with various armament, + 4 dead
figures | 30,00 |
- 1/700 USA & Japanese air fleets for the war in the pacific
1941/45: 3 x US boxes + 4 x Japanese boxes (each one contains 16
airplanes of various types.
| 30,00 |
 | WF01 | WARGAMES FOUNDRY 25mm French Napoleonics in Bardin uniform/capote; infantry in march attack pose. 4 officiers full dress, 2 officers campaign dress, 3 officiers capote, 1 S.B. in campaign dress, 3 drummers full dress, 20 fusiliers in capote, 11 fusiliers in campaign dress, 11 elites in campaign dress, 10 elite in full dress, 1 sapeur. a total of 66 figures
| 52,00 |
 | WF02 | WARGAMES FOUNDRY 25 mm French Napoleonics. set of 11 Generals/marshals/ ADC | 16,50 |
 | GB01 | GRIPPING BEAST 25 mm - mix of 38 Goths, Arthurians, Late Romans figures (5 are cavalrymen with horses) | 32,00 |
 | GB02 | GRIPPING BEAST 25 mm - mix of 10 medieval knights on covered horses | 22,00 |
 | GB03 | GRIPPING BEAST 25 mm - mix of 9 Late Roman Cavalrymen on new type horses | 18,50 |
 | GB04 | GRIPPING BEAST 25 mm - Mix of 18 Goth horsemen on old type horses | 30,00 |
 | WF10 | FOUNDRY 25mm - Set of 100 YEARS WAR's 24 militia infantry - SOLD | 24,00 |
 | WF14 | FOUNDRY 25mm - Medieval Scottish armies - 84 figures among which 1 mounted general, 13 pikemen, 17 archers | 80,00 |
MODELS 25mm - Mix of 48 WOTR/Burgundians infantrymen (14 billmen
in all: not all of them in the picture. 15 handgunners - not in the picture, 1 organ gun + 1 another gun - Xbowmen complete with Xbow) - SOLD
| 41,00 |
MODELS 25mm - WOTR/Burgundian wars - 13 knights on barded horses
(complete with lances/shields (some not shown on picture) - SOLD | 17,00 |
 | OG01 | OLD GLORY 25mm - 4 New Kingdom Egyptians war chariots with barded horses | 18,00 |
 | OG02 | OLD GLORY 25mm - 4 new Kingdom Egyptians war chariots with unbarded horses | 18,00 |
 | OG03 | OLD
GLORY 15mm - with some Peter Pig : mix of german infantrymen with mixed
weapons (Please don't ask me how many they are and how many odf a
particular weapon is included...) | 22.00 |
 | OG04 | OLD
GLORY 25mm - COLONIAL WAR IN SUDAN - 6 british sailors with 2 gardner
guns + 6 Egyptian infantrymen with 2 gardner guns + 2 Krupp guns | 25.00 |
 | WF13 | FOUNDRY 25mm - WOTR/BURGUNDIAN WARS - Contingent of 16 longbowmen, 18 dismounted Knights/MAA + 1 mounted General - SOLD | 28,00 |