Immagine |
Codice |
Descrizione |
Euro |
MUS01 |
Salah ad-Din (Saladin), General, Standard bearer ALMOST OUT OF STOCK |
5,20 |
MUS02 |
Ghilman/Ghulam/Mameluks Command on unbarded horse |
MUS03 |
Ghilman/Gulham/Mameluks with lance/shield on unbarded horses - 3 horsemen / 4 horse variants
MUS04 |
Ghilman/Gulham/Mameluks with bow/shield on unbarded horses – 3 horsemen /4 horse variants
MUS05 |
Ghilman/Ghulam/Mameluks Command on barded horse |
4,60 |
MUS06 |
Ghilman/Gulham/Mameluks with lance/shield on barded horses - 4 horsemen /3 horse variants |
4,60 |
MUS07 |
Ghilman/Gulham/Mameluks with bow/shield on barded horses - 3 horsemen / 3 horse variants
4,60 |
MUS08 |
Armoured Arab lancers/askars command on Sirian horses (tail untied: suitable for Fatimid armies) |
MUS09 |
Armoured Arab lancers/askars – 3 horsemen / 4 Sirian horse variants (tail untied: suitable for Fatimid armies) |
MUS10 |
Armoured Arab lancers/askars Command on Turcoman horse (tail tied-up) |
MUS11 |
Armoured Arab lancers/askars with shield - 3 horsemen / 4 Turcoman horse variants (tail tied-up) |
MUS12 |
Armoured Ayyubid lancers (Qaraghulams) Command on Turcoman horse (tail tied-up) |
MUS13 |
Armoured Ayyubid lancer (Qaraghulams) - 3 horsemen / 4 turcoman horse variants (tail tied-up) |
MUS14 |
Turcoman command on turcoman horse (tail tied-up) |
MUS15 |
Turcoman mounted archers - 4 horsemen /4 turcoman horse variants (tail tied-up) |
MUS16 |
Bedouin Command on Sirian horse (tail untied) |
MUS17 |
Bedouin cavalry with lance/shield - 3 horsemen / 4 Sirian horse variants (tail untied)
MUS18 |
Arab infantry command (officer, standard-bearer in 2 variants, trumpeter) |
MUS19 |
Arab javelinmen with separate shields - 3 variants |
MUS20 |
Arab-Sirian archers - 3 variants |
MUS21 |
Ahdath militia with lance/shield - 4 variants |
MUS22 |
Ahdath militia with bow ( inclined to 45° for over-head fire) - 2 variants |
 | MUS23 | Sudanese infantry command (Abid al-shira) | |
 | MUS24 | Sudanese archers - 3 variants (Abid al-shira) | |
 | MUS25 | Sudanese javelinmen - 2 variants (Abid al-shira) | |
 | MUS26 | Lutat macemen - 2 variants | |
 | MUS27 | Armenian archers - 3 variants | |
 | MUS28 | Fatimid Guard foot regiment command | |
 | MUS29 | Spearmen of the Fatimid Guard foot regiment - 2 variants (for the archers of the Guard Regiment use the code MUS24) | |
 | MUS30 | Zanj javelinmen (wild sudanese tribesmen): for Fatimid Armies - 2 variants | |
 | MUS31 | Sirian Armoured spearmen - 2 variants ALMOST OUT OF STOCK
| |
 | MUS32 | Catapult with 4 servants - To assemble the catapult some modelling skills are required. The cords are not included. | 11,00 |
 | MUS33 | Seljuk cavalry Command - | |
 | MUS34 | Seljuk lancers - 3 variants | |
 | MUS35 | Seljuk mounted archers - 4 variants | |
 | MUS36 | Seljuk infantry command | |
 | MUS37 | Seljuk javelinmen - 3 variants | |
 | MUS38 | Seljuk archers - 2 variants | |
 | MUS39 | Muslim Crossbowmen - 3 variants | |
 | MUS40 | Muslim with sword - unarmoured - 3 variants | |
 | MUS41 | Muslim with sword - armoured - 2 variants | |